Source code for tox.venv

import codecs
import json
import os
import pipes
import re
import sys
from itertools import chain

import py

import tox
from tox import reporter
from tox.action import Action
from tox.config.parallel import ENV_VAR_KEY_PRIVATE as PARALLEL_ENV_VAR_KEY_PRIVATE
from tox.package.local import resolve_package
from tox.util.lock import get_unique_file
from tox.util.path import ensure_empty_dir

from .config import DepConfig

class CreationConfig:
    def __init__(
        self.base_resolved_python_sha256 = base_resolved_python_sha256
        self.base_resolved_python_path = base_resolved_python_path
        self.tox_version = tox_version
        self.sitepackages = sitepackages
        self.usedevelop = usedevelop
        self.alwayscopy = alwayscopy
        self.deps = deps

    def writeconfig(self, path):
        lines = [
            "{} {}".format(self.base_resolved_python_sha256, self.base_resolved_python_path),
            "{} {:d} {:d} {:d}".format(
        for dep in self.deps:
            lines.append("{} {}".format(*dep))
        content = "\n".join(lines)
        return content

    def readconfig(cls, path):
            lines = path.readlines(cr=0)
            base_resolved_python_info = lines.pop(0).split(None, 1)
            tox_version, sitepackages, usedevelop, alwayscopy = lines.pop(0).split(None, 4)
            sitepackages = bool(int(sitepackages))
            usedevelop = bool(int(usedevelop))
            alwayscopy = bool(int(alwayscopy))
            deps = []
            for line in lines:
                base_resolved_python_sha256, depstring = line.split(None, 1)
                deps.append((base_resolved_python_sha256, depstring))
            base_resolved_python_sha256, base_resolved_python_path = base_resolved_python_info
            return CreationConfig(
        except Exception:
            return None

    def matches_with_reason(self, other, deps_matches_subset=False):
        for attr in (
            left = getattr(self, attr)
            right = getattr(other, attr)
            if left != right:
                return False, "attr {} {!r}!={!r}".format(attr, left, right)
        self_deps = set(self.deps)
        other_deps = set(other.deps)
        if self_deps != other_deps:
            if deps_matches_subset:
                diff = other_deps - self_deps
                if diff:
                    return False, "missing in previous {!r}".format(diff)
                return False, "{!r}!={!r}".format(self_deps, other_deps)
        return True, None

    def matches(self, other, deps_matches_subset=False):
        outcome, _ = self.matches_with_reason(other, deps_matches_subset)
        return outcome

[docs]class VirtualEnv(object): def __init__(self, envconfig=None, popen=None, env_log=None): self.envconfig = envconfig self.popen = popen self._actions = [] self.env_log = env_log self._result_json_path = None def new_action(self, msg, *args): config = self.envconfig.config command_log = self.env_log.get_commandlog( "test" if msg in ("run-test", "run-test-pre", "run-test-post") else "setup", ) return Action(, msg, args, self.envconfig.envlogdir, config.option.resultjson, command_log, self.popen, self.envconfig.envpython, self.envconfig.suicide_timeout, self.envconfig.interrupt_timeout, self.envconfig.terminate_timeout, ) def get_result_json_path(self): if self._result_json_path is None: if self.envconfig.config.option.resultjson: self._result_json_path = get_unique_file( self.path, PARALLEL_RESULT_JSON_PREFIX, PARALLEL_RESULT_JSON_SUFFIX, ) return self._result_json_path @property def hook(self): return self.envconfig.config.pluginmanager.hook @property def path(self): """Path to environment base dir.""" return self.envconfig.envdir @property def path_config(self): return self.path.join(".tox-config1") @property def name(self): """test environment name.""" return self.envconfig.envname def __repr__(self): return "<VirtualEnv at {!r}>".format(self.path)
[docs] def getcommandpath(self, name, venv=True, cwd=None): """Return absolute path (str or localpath) for specified command name. - If it's a local path we will rewrite it as as a relative path. - If venv is True we will check if the command is coming from the venv or is allowed to come from external. """ name = str(name) if os.path.isabs(name): return name if os.path.split(name)[0] == ".": path = cwd.join(name) if path.check(): return str(path) if venv: path = self._venv_lookup_and_check_external_allowlist(name) else: path = self._normal_lookup(name) if path is None: raise tox.exception.InvocationError( "could not find executable {}".format(pipes.quote(name)), ) return str(path) # will not be rewritten for reporting
def _venv_lookup_and_check_external_allowlist(self, name): path = self._venv_lookup(name) if path is None: path = self._normal_lookup(name) if path is not None: self._check_external_allowed_and_warn(path) return path def _venv_lookup(self, name): return py.path.local.sysfind(name, paths=[self.envconfig.envbindir]) def _normal_lookup(self, name): return py.path.local.sysfind(name) def _check_external_allowed_and_warn(self, path): if not self.is_allowed_external(path): reporter.warning( "test command found but not installed in testenv\n" " cmd: {}\n" " env: {}\n" "Maybe you forgot to specify a dependency? " "See also the allowlist_externals envconfig setting.\n\n" "DEPRECATION WARNING: this will be an error in tox 4 and above!".format( path, self.envconfig.envdir, ), ) def is_allowed_external(self, p): tryadd = [""] if tox.INFO.IS_WIN: tryadd += [os.path.normcase(x) for x in os.environ["PATHEXT"].split(os.pathsep)] p = py.path.local(os.path.normcase(str(p))) if self.envconfig.allowlist_externals and self.envconfig.whitelist_externals: raise tox.exception.ConfigError( "Either whitelist_externals or allowlist_externals might be specified, not both", ) allowed_externals = ( self.envconfig.whitelist_externals or self.envconfig.allowlist_externals ) for x in allowed_externals: for add in tryadd: if p.fnmatch(x + add): return True return False
[docs] def update(self, action): """return status string for updating actual venv to match configuration. if status string is empty, all is ok. """ rconfig = CreationConfig.readconfig(self.path_config) if self.envconfig.recreate: reason = "-r flag" else: if rconfig is None: reason = "no previous config {}".format(self.path_config) else: live_config = self._getliveconfig() deps_subset_match = getattr(self.envconfig, "deps_matches_subset", False) outcome, reason = rconfig.matches_with_reason(live_config, deps_subset_match) if reason is None:"reusing", self.envconfig.envdir) return"cannot reuse", reason) if rconfig is None: action.setactivity("create", self.envconfig.envdir) else: action.setactivity("recreate", self.envconfig.envdir) try: self.hook.tox_testenv_create(action=action, venv=self) self.just_created = True except tox.exception.UnsupportedInterpreter as exception: return exception try: self.hook.tox_testenv_install_deps(action=action, venv=self) except tox.exception.InvocationError as exception: return "could not install deps {}; v = {!r}".format(self.envconfig.deps, exception)
def _getliveconfig(self): base_resolved_python_path = self.envconfig.python_info.executable version = tox.__version__ sitepackages = self.envconfig.sitepackages develop = self.envconfig.usedevelop alwayscopy = self.envconfig.alwayscopy deps = [] for dep in self.get_resolved_dependencies(): dep_name_sha256 = getdigest( deps.append((dep_name_sha256, base_resolved_python_sha256 = getdigest(base_resolved_python_path) return CreationConfig( base_resolved_python_sha256, base_resolved_python_path, version, sitepackages, develop, deps, alwayscopy, ) def get_resolved_dependencies(self): dependencies = [] for dependency in self.envconfig.deps: if dependency.indexserver is None: package = resolve_package( if package != dependency = dependency.__class__(package) dependencies.append(dependency) return dependencies def getsupportedinterpreter(self): return self.envconfig.getsupportedinterpreter() def matching_platform(self): return re.match(self.envconfig.platform, sys.platform) def finish(self): previous_config = CreationConfig.readconfig(self.path_config) live_config = self._getliveconfig() if previous_config is None or not previous_config.matches(live_config): content = live_config.writeconfig(self.path_config) reporter.verbosity1("write config to {} as {!r}".format(self.path_config, content)) def _needs_reinstall(self, setupdir, action): setup_py = setupdir.join("") setup_cfg = setupdir.join("setup.cfg") args = [self.envconfig.envpython, str(setup_py), "--name"] env = self._get_os_environ() output = action.popen( args, cwd=setupdir, redirect=False, returnout=True, env=env, capture_err=False, ) name = next( (i for i in output.split("\n") if i and not i.startswith("pydev debugger:")), "", ) args = [ self.envconfig.envpython, "-c", "import sys; import json; print(json.dumps(sys.path))", ] out = action.popen(args, redirect=False, returnout=True, env=env) try: sys_path = json.loads(out) except ValueError: sys_path = [] egg_info_fname = ".".join((name.replace("-", "_"), "egg-info")) for d in reversed(sys_path): egg_info = py.path.local(d).join(egg_info_fname) if egg_info.check(): break else: return True needs_reinstall = any( conf_file.check() and conf_file.mtime() > egg_info.mtime() for conf_file in (setup_py, setup_cfg) ) # Ensure the modification time of the egg-info folder is updated so we # won't need to do this again. # TODO(stephenfin): Remove once the minimum version of setuptools is # high enough to include if needs_reinstall: egg_info.setmtime() return needs_reinstall def install_pkg(self, dir, action, name, is_develop=False): assert action is not None if getattr(self, "just_created", False): action.setactivity(name, dir) self.finish() pip_flags = ["--exists-action", "w"] else: if is_develop and not self._needs_reinstall(dir, action): action.setactivity("{}-noop".format(name), dir) return action.setactivity("{}-nodeps".format(name), dir) pip_flags = ["--no-deps"] + ([] if is_develop else ["-U"]) pip_flags.extend(["-v"] * min(3, reporter.verbosity() - 2)) if self.envconfig.extras: dir += "[{}]".format(",".join(self.envconfig.extras)) target = [dir] if is_develop: target.insert(0, "-e") self._install(target, extraopts=pip_flags, action=action) def developpkg(self, setupdir, action): self.install_pkg(setupdir, action, "develop-inst", is_develop=True) def installpkg(self, sdistpath, action): self.install_pkg(sdistpath, action, "inst") def _installopts(self, indexserver): options = [] if indexserver: options += ["-i", indexserver] if self.envconfig.pip_pre: options.append("--pre") return options def run_install_command(self, packages, action, options=()): def expand(val): # expand an install command if val == "{packages}": for package in packages: yield package elif val == "{opts}": for opt in options: yield opt else: yield val cmd = list(chain.from_iterable(expand(val) for val in self.envconfig.install_command)) env = self._get_os_environ() self.ensure_pip_os_environ_ok(env) old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter("utf8")(sys.stdout) try: self._pcall( cmd, cwd=self.envconfig.config.toxinidir, action=action, redirect=reporter.verbosity() < reporter.Verbosity.DEBUG, env=env, ) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.status = "keyboardinterrupt" raise finally: sys.stdout = old_stdout def ensure_pip_os_environ_ok(self, env): for key in ("PIP_RESPECT_VIRTUALENV", "PIP_REQUIRE_VIRTUALENV", "__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__"): env.pop(key, None) if all("PYTHONPATH" not in i for i in (self.envconfig.passenv, self.envconfig.setenv)): # If PYTHONPATH not explicitly asked for, remove it. if "PYTHONPATH" in env: if sys.version_info < (3, 4) or bool(env["PYTHONPATH"]): # # In a posix shell, setting the PATH environment variable to an empty value is # equivalent to not setting it at all. reporter.warning( "Discarding $PYTHONPATH from environment, to override " "specify PYTHONPATH in 'passenv' in your configuration.", ) env.pop("PYTHONPATH") # installing packages at user level may mean we're not installing inside the venv env["PIP_USER"] = "0" # installing without dependencies may lead to broken packages env["PIP_NO_DEPS"] = "0" def _install(self, deps, extraopts=None, action=None): if not deps: return d = {} ixservers = [] for dep in deps: if isinstance(dep, (str, py.path.local)): dep = DepConfig(str(dep), None) assert isinstance(dep, DepConfig), dep if dep.indexserver is None: ixserver = self.envconfig.config.indexserver["default"] else: ixserver = dep.indexserver d.setdefault(ixserver, []).append( if ixserver not in ixservers: ixservers.append(ixserver) assert ixserver.url is None or isinstance(ixserver.url, str) for ixserver in ixservers: packages = d[ixserver] options = self._installopts(ixserver.url) if extraopts: options.extend(extraopts) self.run_install_command(packages=packages, options=options, action=action) def _get_os_environ(self, is_test_command=False): if is_test_command: # for executing tests we construct a clean environment env = {} for env_key in self.envconfig.passenv: if env_key in os.environ: env[env_key] = os.environ[env_key] else: # for executing non-test commands we use the full # invocation environment env = os.environ.copy() # in any case we honor per-testenv setenv configuration env.update(self.envconfig.setenv.export()) env["VIRTUAL_ENV"] = str(self.path) return env def test( self, redirect=False, name="run-test", commands=None, ignore_outcome=None, ignore_errors=None, display_hash_seed=False, ): if commands is None: commands = self.envconfig.commands if ignore_outcome is None: ignore_outcome = self.envconfig.ignore_outcome if ignore_errors is None: ignore_errors = self.envconfig.ignore_errors with self.new_action(name) as action: cwd = self.envconfig.changedir if display_hash_seed: env = self._get_os_environ(is_test_command=True) # Display PYTHONHASHSEED to assist with reproducibility. action.setactivity(name, "PYTHONHASHSEED={!r}".format(env.get("PYTHONHASHSEED"))) for i, argv in enumerate(filter(bool, commands)): # have to make strings as _pcall changes argv[0] to a local() # happens if the same environment is invoked twice message = "commands[{}] | {}".format( i, " ".join(pipes.quote(str(x)) for x in argv), ) action.setactivity(name, message) # check to see if we need to ignore the return code # if so, we need to alter the command line arguments if argv[0].startswith("-"): ignore_ret = True if argv[0] == "-": del argv[0] else: argv[0] = argv[0].lstrip("-") else: ignore_ret = False try: self._pcall( argv, cwd=cwd, action=action, redirect=redirect, ignore_ret=ignore_ret, is_test_command=True, ) except tox.exception.InvocationError as err: if ignore_outcome: msg = "command failed but result from testenv is ignored\ncmd:" reporter.warning("{} {}".format(msg, err)) self.status = "ignored failed command" continue # keep processing commands reporter.error(str(err)) self.status = "commands failed" if not ignore_errors: break # Don't process remaining commands except KeyboardInterrupt: self.status = "keyboardinterrupt" raise def _pcall( self, args, cwd, venv=True, is_test_command=False, action=None, redirect=True, ignore_ret=False, returnout=False, env=None, ): if env is None: env = self._get_os_environ(is_test_command=is_test_command) # construct environment variables env.pop("VIRTUALENV_PYTHON", None) bin_dir = str(self.envconfig.envbindir) path = self.envconfig.setenv.get("PATH") or os.environ["PATH"] env["PATH"] = os.pathsep.join([bin_dir, path]) reporter.verbosity2("setting PATH={}".format(env["PATH"])) # get command args[0] = self.getcommandpath(args[0], venv, cwd) if sys.platform != "win32" and "TOX_LIMITED_SHEBANG" in os.environ: args = prepend_shebang_interpreter(args) cwd.ensure(dir=1) # ensure the cwd exists return action.popen( args, cwd=cwd, env=env, redirect=redirect, ignore_ret=ignore_ret, returnout=returnout, report_fail=not is_test_command, ) def setupenv(self): if self.envconfig._missing_subs: self.status = ( "unresolvable substitution(s):\n {}\n" "Environment variables are missing or defined recursively.".format( "\n ".join( "{}: '{}'".format(section_key, for section_key, exc in sorted(self.envconfig._missing_subs.items()) ), ) ) return if not self.matching_platform(): self.status = "platform mismatch" return # we simply omit non-matching platforms with self.new_action("getenv", self.envconfig.envdir) as action: self.status = 0 default_ret_code = 1 envlog = self.env_log try: status = self.update(action=action) except IOError as e: if e.args[0] != 2: raise status = ( "Error creating virtualenv. Note that spaces in paths are " "not supported by virtualenv. Error details: {!r}".format(e) ) except tox.exception.InvocationError as e: status = e except tox.exception.InterpreterNotFound as e: status = e if self.envconfig.config.option.skip_missing_interpreters == "true": default_ret_code = 0 except KeyboardInterrupt: self.status = "keyboardinterrupt" raise if status: str_status = str(status) command_log = envlog.get_commandlog("setup") command_log.add_command(["setup virtualenv"], str_status, default_ret_code) self.status = status if default_ret_code == 0: reporter.skip(str_status) else: reporter.error(str_status) return False command_path = self.getcommandpath("python") envlog.set_python_info(command_path) return True def finishvenv(self): with self.new_action("finishvenv"): self.finish() return True
def getdigest(path): path = py.path.local(path) if not path.check(file=1): return "0" * 32 return path.computehash("sha256") def prepend_shebang_interpreter(args): # prepend interpreter directive (if any) to argument list # # When preparing virtual environments in a file container which has large # length, the system might not be able to invoke shebang scripts which # define interpreters beyond system limits (e.x. Linux as a limit of 128; # BINPRM_BUF_SIZE). This method can be used to check if the executable is # a script containing a shebang line. If so, extract the interpreter (and # possible optional argument) and prepend the values to the provided # argument list. tox will only attempt to read an interpreter directive of # a maximum size of 2048 bytes to limit excessive reading and support UNIX # systems which may support a longer interpret length. try: with open(args[0], "rb") as f: if == b"#" and == b"!": MAXINTERP = 2048 interp = f.readline(MAXINTERP).rstrip().decode("UTF-8") interp_args = interp.split(None, 1)[:2] return interp_args + args except (UnicodeDecodeError, IOError): pass return args _SKIP_VENV_CREATION = os.environ.get("_TOX_SKIP_ENV_CREATION_TEST", False) == "1" @tox.hookimpl def tox_testenv_create(venv, action): config_interpreter = venv.getsupportedinterpreter() args = [sys.executable, "-m", "virtualenv"] if venv.envconfig.sitepackages: args.append("--system-site-packages") if venv.envconfig.alwayscopy: args.append("--always-copy") if not args.append("--no-download") else: args.append("--download") # add interpreter explicitly, to prevent using default (virtualenv.ini) args.extend(["--python", str(config_interpreter)]) cleanup_for_venv(venv) base_path = venv.path.dirpath() base_path.ensure(dir=1) args.append(venv.path.basename) if not _SKIP_VENV_CREATION: try: venv._pcall( args, venv=False, action=action, cwd=base_path, redirect=reporter.verbosity() < reporter.Verbosity.DEBUG, ) except KeyboardInterrupt: venv.status = "keyboardinterrupt" raise return True # Return non-None to indicate plugin has completed def cleanup_for_venv(venv): within_parallel = PARALLEL_ENV_VAR_KEY_PRIVATE in os.environ # if the directory exists and it doesn't look like a virtualenv, produce # an error if venv.path.exists(): dir_items = set(os.listdir(str(venv.path))) - {".lock", "log"} dir_items = {p for p in dir_items if not p.startswith(".tox-") or p == ".tox-config1"} else: dir_items = set() if not ( # doesn't exist => OK not venv.path.exists() # does exist, but it's empty => OK or not dir_items # tox has marked this as an environment it has created in the past or ".tox-config1" in dir_items # it exists and we're on windows with Lib and Scripts => OK or (INFO.IS_WIN and dir_items > {"Scripts", "Lib"}) # non-windows, with lib and bin => OK or dir_items > {"bin", "lib"} # pypy has a different lib folder => OK or dir_items > {"bin", "lib_pypy"} ): venv.status = "error" reporter.error( "cowardly refusing to delete `envdir` (it does not look like a virtualenv): " "{}".format(venv.path), ) raise SystemExit(2) if within_parallel: if venv.path.exists(): # do not delete the log folder as that's used by parent for content in venv.path.listdir(): if not content.basename == "log": content.remove(rec=1, ignore_errors=True) else: ensure_empty_dir(venv.path) @tox.hookimpl def tox_testenv_install_deps(venv, action): deps = venv.get_resolved_dependencies() if deps: depinfo = ", ".join(map(str, deps)) action.setactivity("installdeps", depinfo) venv._install(deps, action=action) return True # Return non-None to indicate plugin has completed @tox.hookimpl def tox_runtest(venv, redirect): venv.test(redirect=redirect) return True # Return non-None to indicate plugin has completed @tox.hookimpl def tox_runtest_pre(venv): venv.status = 0 ensure_empty_dir(venv.envconfig.envtmpdir) venv.envconfig.envtmpdir.ensure(dir=1) venv.test( name="run-test-pre", commands=venv.envconfig.commands_pre, redirect=False, ignore_outcome=False, ignore_errors=False, display_hash_seed=True, ) @tox.hookimpl def tox_runtest_post(venv): venv.test( name="run-test-post", commands=venv.envconfig.commands_post, redirect=False, ignore_outcome=False, ignore_errors=False, ) @tox.hookimpl def tox_runenvreport(venv, action): # write out version dependency information args = venv.envconfig.list_dependencies_command output = venv._pcall(args, cwd=venv.envconfig.config.toxinidir, action=action, returnout=True) # the output contains a mime-header, skip it output = output.split("\n\n")[-1] packages = output.strip().split("\n") return packages # Return non-None to indicate plugin has completed