Source code for tox.config

from __future__ import print_function

import argparse
import itertools
import os
import random
import re
import shlex
import string
import sys
from fnmatch import fnmatchcase
from subprocess import list2cmdline

import pkg_resources
import pluggy
import py

import tox
import tox.interpreters
from tox import hookspecs
from tox._verlib import NormalizedVersion

iswin32 = sys.platform == "win32"

default_factors = {'jython': 'jython', 'pypy': 'pypy', 'pypy3': 'pypy3',
                   'py': sys.executable, 'py2': 'python2', 'py3': 'python3'}
for version in '26,27,32,33,34,35,36,37'.split(','):
    default_factors['py' + version] = 'python%s.%s' % tuple(version)

hookimpl = pluggy.HookimplMarker("tox")

_dummy = object()

def get_plugin_manager(plugins=()):
    # initialize plugin manager
    import tox.venv
    pm = pluggy.PluginManager("tox")
    for plugin in plugins:
    return pm

[docs]class Parser: """ command line and ini-parser control object. """ def __init__(self): self.argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="tox options", add_help=False) self._testenv_attr = []
[docs] def add_argument(self, *args, **kwargs): """ add argument to command line parser. This takes the same arguments that ``argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument``. """ return self.argparser.add_argument(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_testenv_attribute(self, name, type, help, default=None, postprocess=None): """ add an ini-file variable for "testenv" section. Types are specified as strings like "bool", "line-list", "string", "argv", "path", "argvlist". The ``postprocess`` function will be called for each testenv like ``postprocess(testenv_config=testenv_config, value=value)`` where ``value`` is the value as read from the ini (or the default value) and ``testenv_config`` is a :py:class:`tox.config.TestenvConfig` instance which will receive all ini-variables as object attributes. Any postprocess function must return a value which will then be set as the final value in the testenv section. """ self._testenv_attr.append(VenvAttribute(name, type, default, help, postprocess))
[docs] def add_testenv_attribute_obj(self, obj): """ add an ini-file variable as an object. This works as the ``add_testenv_attribute`` function but expects "name", "type", "help", and "postprocess" attributes on the object. """ assert hasattr(obj, "name") assert hasattr(obj, "type") assert hasattr(obj, "help") assert hasattr(obj, "postprocess") self._testenv_attr.append(obj)
def _parse_args(self, args): return self.argparser.parse_args(args) def _format_help(self): return self.argparser.format_help()
class VenvAttribute: def __init__(self, name, type, default, help, postprocess): = name self.type = type self.default = default = help self.postprocess = postprocess class DepOption: name = "deps" type = "line-list" help = "each line specifies a dependency in pip/setuptools format." default = () def postprocess(self, testenv_config, value): deps = [] config = testenv_config.config for depline in value: m = re.match(r":(\w+):\s*(\S+)", depline) if m: iname, name = m.groups() ixserver = config.indexserver[iname] else: name = depline.strip() ixserver = None name = self._replace_forced_dep(name, config) deps.append(DepConfig(name, ixserver)) return deps def _replace_forced_dep(self, name, config): """ Override the given dependency config name taking --force-dep-version option into account. :param name: dep config, for example ["pkg==1.0", "other==2.0"]. :param config: Config instance :return: the new dependency that should be used for virtual environments """ if not config.option.force_dep: return name for forced_dep in config.option.force_dep: if self._is_same_dep(forced_dep, name): return forced_dep return name @classmethod def _is_same_dep(cls, dep1, dep2): """ Returns True if both dependency definitions refer to the same package, even if versions differ. """ dep1_name = pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(dep1).project_name try: dep2_name = pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(dep2).project_name except pkg_resources.RequirementParseError: # we couldn't parse a version, probably a URL return False return dep1_name == dep2_name class PosargsOption: name = "args_are_paths" type = "bool" default = True help = "treat positional args in commands as paths" def postprocess(self, testenv_config, value): config = testenv_config.config args = config.option.args if args: if value: args = [] for arg in config.option.args: if arg: origpath = config.invocationcwd.join(arg, abs=True) if origpath.check(): arg = testenv_config.changedir.bestrelpath(origpath) args.append(arg) testenv_config._reader.addsubstitutions(args) return value class InstallcmdOption: name = "install_command" type = "argv" default = "pip install {opts} {packages}" help = "install command for dependencies and package under test." def postprocess(self, testenv_config, value): if '{packages}' not in value: raise tox.exception.ConfigError( "'install_command' must contain '{packages}' substitution") return value def parseconfig(args=None, plugins=()): """ :param list[str] args: Optional list of arguments. :type pkg: str :rtype: :class:`Config` :raise SystemExit: toxinit file is not found """ pm = get_plugin_manager(plugins) if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] # prepare command line options parser = Parser() pm.hook.tox_addoption(parser=parser) # parse command line options option = parser._parse_args(args) interpreters = tox.interpreters.Interpreters(hook=pm.hook) config = Config(pluginmanager=pm, option=option, interpreters=interpreters) config._parser = parser config._testenv_attr = parser._testenv_attr if config.option.version: print(get_version_info(pm)) raise SystemExit(0) # parse ini file basename = config.option.configfile if os.path.isfile(basename): inipath = py.path.local(basename) elif os.path.isdir(basename): # Assume 'tox.ini' filename if directory was passed inipath = py.path.local(os.path.join(basename, 'tox.ini')) else: for path in py.path.local().parts(reverse=True): inipath = path.join(basename) if inipath.check(): break else: inipath = py.path.local().join('setup.cfg') if not inipath.check(): helpoptions = or option.helpini feedback("toxini file %r not found" % (basename), sysexit=not helpoptions) if helpoptions: return config try: parseini(config, inipath) except tox.exception.InterpreterNotFound: exn = sys.exc_info()[1] # Use stdout to match test expectations print("ERROR: " + str(exn)) # post process config object pm.hook.tox_configure(config=config) return config def feedback(msg, sysexit=False): print("ERROR: " + msg, file=sys.stderr) if sysexit: raise SystemExit(1) def get_version_info(pm): out = ["%s imported from %s" % (tox.__version__, tox.__file__)] plugin_dist_info = pm.list_plugin_distinfo() if plugin_dist_info: out.append('registered plugins:') for mod, egg_info in plugin_dist_info: source = getattr(mod, '__file__', repr(mod)) out.append(" %s-%s at %s" % ( egg_info.project_name, egg_info.version, source)) return '\n'.join(out) class SetenvDict(object): def __init__(self, definitions, reader): self.definitions = definitions self.reader = reader self.resolved = {} self._lookupstack = [] def __repr__(self): return "%s: %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.definitions) def __contains__(self, name): return name in self.definitions def get(self, name, default=None): try: return self.resolved[name] except KeyError: try: if name in self._lookupstack: raise KeyError(name) val = self.definitions[name] except KeyError: return os.environ.get(name, default) self._lookupstack.append(name) try: self.resolved[name] = res = self.reader._replace(val) finally: self._lookupstack.pop() return res def __getitem__(self, name): x = self.get(name, _dummy) if x is _dummy: raise KeyError(name) return x def keys(self): return self.definitions.keys() def __setitem__(self, name, value): self.definitions[name] = value self.resolved[name] = value @hookimpl def tox_addoption(parser): # formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("--version", action="store_true", dest="version", help="report version information to stdout.") parser.add_argument("-h", "--help", action="store_true", dest="help", help="show help about options") parser.add_argument("--help-ini", "--hi", action="store_true", dest="helpini", help="show help about ini-names") parser.add_argument("-v", action='count', dest="verbosity", default=0, help="increase verbosity of reporting output. -vv mode turns off " "output redirection for package installation") parser.add_argument("--showconfig", action="store_true", help="show configuration information for all environments. ") parser.add_argument("-l", "--listenvs", action="store_true", dest="listenvs", help="show list of test environments " "(with description if verbose)") parser.add_argument("-a", "--listenvs-all", action="store_true", dest="listenvs_all", help="show list of all defined environments" "(with description if verbose)") parser.add_argument("-c", action="store", default="tox.ini", dest="configfile", help="config file name or directory with 'tox.ini' file.") parser.add_argument("-e", action="append", dest="env", metavar="envlist", help="work against specified environments (ALL selects all).") parser.add_argument("--notest", action="store_true", dest="notest", help="skip invoking test commands.") parser.add_argument("--sdistonly", action="store_true", dest="sdistonly", help="only perform the sdist packaging activity.") parser.add_argument("--installpkg", action="store", default=None, metavar="PATH", help="use specified package for installation into venv, instead of " "creating an sdist.") parser.add_argument("--develop", action="store_true", dest="develop", help="install package in the venv using ' develop' via " "'pip -e .'") parser.add_argument('-i', '--index-url', action="append", dest="indexurl", metavar="URL", help="set indexserver url (if URL is of form name=url set the " "url for the 'name' indexserver, specifically)") parser.add_argument("--pre", action="store_true", dest="pre", help="install pre-releases and development versions of dependencies. " "This will pass the --pre option to install_command " "(pip by default).") parser.add_argument("-r", "--recreate", action="store_true", dest="recreate", help="force recreation of virtual environments") parser.add_argument("--result-json", action="store", dest="resultjson", metavar="PATH", help="write a json file with detailed information " "about all commands and results involved.") # We choose 1 to 4294967295 because it is the range of PYTHONHASHSEED. parser.add_argument("--hashseed", action="store", metavar="SEED", default=None, help="set PYTHONHASHSEED to SEED before running commands. " "Defaults to a random integer in the range [1, 4294967295] " "([1, 1024] on Windows). " "Passing 'noset' suppresses this behavior.") parser.add_argument("--force-dep", action="append", metavar="REQ", default=None, help="Forces a certain version of one of the dependencies " "when configuring the virtual environment. REQ Examples " "'pytest<2.7' or 'django>=1.6'.") parser.add_argument("--sitepackages", action="store_true", help="override sitepackages setting to True in all envs") parser.add_argument("--alwayscopy", action="store_true", help="override alwayscopy setting to True in all envs") parser.add_argument("--skip-missing-interpreters", action="store_true", help="don't fail tests for missing interpreters") parser.add_argument("--workdir", action="store", dest="workdir", metavar="PATH", default=None, help="tox working directory") parser.add_argument("args", nargs="*", help="additional arguments available to command positional substitution") parser.add_testenv_attribute( name="envdir", type="path", default="{toxworkdir}/{envname}", help="set venv directory -- be very careful when changing this as tox " "will remove this directory when recreating an environment") # add various core venv interpreter attributes def setenv(testenv_config, value): setenv = value config = testenv_config.config if "PYTHONHASHSEED" not in setenv and config.hashseed is not None: setenv['PYTHONHASHSEED'] = config.hashseed return setenv parser.add_testenv_attribute( name="setenv", type="dict_setenv", postprocess=setenv, help="list of X=Y lines with environment variable settings") def basepython_default(testenv_config, value): if value is None: for f in testenv_config.factors: if f in default_factors: return default_factors[f] return sys.executable return str(value) parser.add_testenv_attribute( name="basepython", type="string", default=None, postprocess=basepython_default, help="executable name or path of interpreter used to create a " "virtual test environment.") def merge_description(testenv_config, value): """the reader by default joins generated description with new line, replace new line with space""" return value.replace('\n', ' ') parser.add_testenv_attribute( name="description", type="string", default='', postprocess=merge_description, help="short description of this environment") parser.add_testenv_attribute( name="envtmpdir", type="path", default="{envdir}/tmp", help="venv temporary directory") parser.add_testenv_attribute( name="envlogdir", type="path", default="{envdir}/log", help="venv log directory") parser.add_testenv_attribute( name="downloadcache", type="string", default=None, help="(ignored) has no effect anymore, pip-8 uses local caching by default") parser.add_testenv_attribute( name="changedir", type="path", default="{toxinidir}", help="directory to change to when running commands") parser.add_testenv_attribute_obj(PosargsOption()) parser.add_testenv_attribute( name="skip_install", type="bool", default=False, help="Do not install the current package. This can be used when " "you need the virtualenv management but do not want to install " "the current package") parser.add_testenv_attribute( name="ignore_errors", type="bool", default=False, help="if set to True all commands will be executed irrespective of their " "result error status.") def recreate(testenv_config, value): if testenv_config.config.option.recreate: return True return value parser.add_testenv_attribute( name="recreate", type="bool", default=False, postprocess=recreate, help="always recreate this test environment.") def passenv(testenv_config, value): # Flatten the list to deal with space-separated values. value = list( itertools.chain.from_iterable( [x.split(' ') for x in value])) passenv = set([ "PATH", "PIP_INDEX_URL", "LANG", "LANGUAGE", "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ]) # read in global passenv settings p = os.environ.get("TOX_TESTENV_PASSENV", None) if p is not None: env_values = [x for x in p.split() if x] value.extend(env_values) # we ensure that tmp directory settings are passed on # we could also set it to the per-venv "envtmpdir" # but this leads to very long paths when run with jenkins # so we just pass it on by default for now. if sys.platform == "win32": passenv.add("SYSTEMDRIVE") # needed for pip6 passenv.add("SYSTEMROOT") # needed for python's crypto module passenv.add("PATHEXT") # needed for discovering executables passenv.add("COMSPEC") # needed for distutils cygwincompiler passenv.add("TEMP") passenv.add("TMP") # for `multiprocessing.cpu_count()` on Windows # (prior to Python 3.4). passenv.add("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS") passenv.add("USERPROFILE") # needed for `os.path.expanduser()` passenv.add("MSYSTEM") # fixes #429 else: passenv.add("TMPDIR") for spec in value: for name in os.environ: if fnmatchcase(name.upper(), spec.upper()): passenv.add(name) return passenv parser.add_testenv_attribute( name="passenv", type="line-list", postprocess=passenv, help="environment variables needed during executing test commands " "(taken from invocation environment). Note that tox always " "passes through some basic environment variables which are " "needed for basic functioning of the Python system. " "See --showconfig for the eventual passenv setting.") parser.add_testenv_attribute( name="whitelist_externals", type="line-list", help="each lines specifies a path or basename for which tox will not warn " "about it coming from outside the test environment.") parser.add_testenv_attribute( name="platform", type="string", default=".*", help="regular expression which must match against ``sys.platform``. " "otherwise testenv will be skipped.") def sitepackages(testenv_config, value): return testenv_config.config.option.sitepackages or value def alwayscopy(testenv_config, value): return testenv_config.config.option.alwayscopy or value parser.add_testenv_attribute( name="sitepackages", type="bool", default=False, postprocess=sitepackages, help="Set to ``True`` if you want to create virtual environments that also " "have access to globally installed packages.") parser.add_testenv_attribute( name="alwayscopy", type="bool", default=False, postprocess=alwayscopy, help="Set to ``True`` if you want virtualenv to always copy files rather " "than symlinking.") def pip_pre(testenv_config, value): return testenv_config.config.option.pre or value parser.add_testenv_attribute( name="pip_pre", type="bool", default=False, postprocess=pip_pre, help="If ``True``, adds ``--pre`` to the ``opts`` passed to " "the install command. ") def develop(testenv_config, value): option = testenv_config.config.option return not option.installpkg and (value or option.develop) parser.add_testenv_attribute( name="usedevelop", type="bool", postprocess=develop, default=False, help="install package in develop/editable mode") parser.add_testenv_attribute_obj(InstallcmdOption()) parser.add_testenv_attribute( name="list_dependencies_command", type="argv", default="pip freeze", help="list dependencies for a virtual environment") parser.add_testenv_attribute_obj(DepOption()) parser.add_testenv_attribute( name="commands", type="argvlist", default="", help="each line specifies a test command and can use substitution.") parser.add_testenv_attribute( "ignore_outcome", type="bool", default=False, help="if set to True a failing result of this testenv will not make " "tox fail, only a warning will be produced") parser.add_testenv_attribute( "extras", type="line-list", help="list of extras to install with the source distribution or " "develop install")
[docs]class Config(object): """ Global Tox config object. """ def __init__(self, pluginmanager, option, interpreters): #: dictionary containing envname to envconfig mappings self.envconfigs = {} self.invocationcwd = py.path.local() self.interpreters = interpreters self.pluginmanager = pluginmanager #: option namespace containing all parsed command line options self.option = option @property def homedir(self): homedir = get_homedir() if homedir is None: homedir = self.toxinidir # XXX good idea? return homedir
[docs]class TestenvConfig: """ Testenv Configuration object. In addition to some core attributes/properties this config object holds all per-testenv ini attributes as attributes, see "tox --help-ini" for an overview. """ def __init__(self, envname, config, factors, reader): #: test environment name self.envname = envname #: global tox config object self.config = config #: set of factors self.factors = factors self._reader = reader self.missing_subs = [] """Holds substitutions that could not be resolved. Pre 2.8.1 missing substitutions crashed with a ConfigError although this would not be a problem if the env is not part of the current testrun. So we need to remember this and check later when the testenv is actually run and crash only then. """
[docs] def get_envbindir(self): """ path to directory where scripts/binaries reside. """ if sys.platform == "win32" and "jython" not in self.basepython and \ "pypy" not in self.basepython: return self.envdir.join("Scripts") else: return self.envdir.join("bin")
@property def envbindir(self): return self.get_envbindir() @property def envpython(self): """ path to python executable. """ return self.get_envpython()
[docs] def get_envpython(self): """ path to python/jython executable. """ if "jython" in str(self.basepython): name = "jython" else: name = "python" return self.envbindir.join(name)
[docs] def get_envsitepackagesdir(self): """ return sitepackagesdir of the virtualenv environment. (only available during execution, not parsing) """ x = self.config.interpreters.get_sitepackagesdir( info=self.python_info, envdir=self.envdir) return x
@property def python_info(self): """ return sitepackagesdir of the virtualenv environment. """ return self.config.interpreters.get_info(envconfig=self) def getsupportedinterpreter(self): if sys.platform == "win32" and self.basepython and \ "jython" in self.basepython: raise tox.exception.UnsupportedInterpreter( "Jython/Windows does not support installing scripts") info = self.config.interpreters.get_info(envconfig=self) if not info.executable: raise tox.exception.InterpreterNotFound(self.basepython) if not info.version_info: raise tox.exception.InvocationError( 'Failed to get version_info for %s: %s' % (, info.err)) if info.version_info < (2, 6): raise tox.exception.UnsupportedInterpreter( "python2.5 is not supported anymore, sorry") return info.executable
testenvprefix = "testenv:" def get_homedir(): try: return py.path.local._gethomedir() except Exception: return None def make_hashseed(): max_seed = 4294967295 if sys.platform == 'win32': max_seed = 1024 return str(random.randint(1, max_seed)) class parseini: def __init__(self, config, inipath): config.toxinipath = inipath config.toxinidir = config.toxinipath.dirpath() self._cfg = py.iniconfig.IniConfig(config.toxinipath) config._cfg = self._cfg self.config = config if inipath.basename == 'setup.cfg': prefix = 'tox' else: prefix = None ctxname = getcontextname() if ctxname == "jenkins": reader = SectionReader("tox:jenkins", self._cfg, prefix=prefix, fallbacksections=['tox']) distshare_default = "{toxworkdir}/distshare" elif not ctxname: reader = SectionReader("tox", self._cfg, prefix=prefix) distshare_default = "{homedir}/.tox/distshare" else: raise ValueError("invalid context") if config.option.hashseed is None: hashseed = make_hashseed() elif config.option.hashseed == 'noset': hashseed = None else: hashseed = config.option.hashseed config.hashseed = hashseed reader.addsubstitutions(toxinidir=config.toxinidir, homedir=config.homedir) # As older versions of tox may have bugs or incompatibilities that # prevent parsing of tox.ini this must be the first thing checked. config.minversion = reader.getstring("minversion", None) if config.minversion: minversion = NormalizedVersion(self.config.minversion) toxversion = NormalizedVersion(tox.__version__) if toxversion < minversion: raise tox.exception.MinVersionError( "tox version is %s, required is at least %s" % ( toxversion, minversion)) if config.option.workdir is None: config.toxworkdir = reader.getpath("toxworkdir", "{toxinidir}/.tox") else: config.toxworkdir = config.toxinidir.join(config.option.workdir, abs=True) if not config.option.skip_missing_interpreters: config.option.skip_missing_interpreters = \ reader.getbool("skip_missing_interpreters", False) # determine indexserver dictionary config.indexserver = {'default': IndexServerConfig('default')} prefix = "indexserver" for line in reader.getlist(prefix): name, url = map(lambda x: x.strip(), line.split("=", 1)) config.indexserver[name] = IndexServerConfig(name, url) override = False if config.option.indexurl: for urldef in config.option.indexurl: m = re.match(r"\W*(\w+)=(\S+)", urldef) if m is None: url = urldef name = "default" else: name, url = m.groups() if not url: url = None if name != "ALL": config.indexserver[name].url = url else: override = url # let ALL override all existing entries if override: for name in config.indexserver: config.indexserver[name] = IndexServerConfig(name, override) reader.addsubstitutions(toxworkdir=config.toxworkdir) config.distdir = reader.getpath("distdir", "{toxworkdir}/dist") reader.addsubstitutions(distdir=config.distdir) config.distshare = reader.getpath("distshare", distshare_default) reader.addsubstitutions(distshare=config.distshare) config.sdistsrc = reader.getpath("sdistsrc", None) config.setupdir = reader.getpath("setupdir", "{toxinidir}") config.logdir = config.toxworkdir.join("log") config.envlist, all_envs = self._getenvdata(reader) # factors used in config or predefined known_factors = self._list_section_factors("testenv") known_factors.update(default_factors) known_factors.add("python") # factors stated in config envlist stated_envlist = reader.getstring("envlist", replace=False) if stated_envlist: for env in _split_env(stated_envlist): known_factors.update(env.split('-')) # configure testenvs for name in all_envs: section = testenvprefix + name factors = set(name.split('-')) if section in self._cfg or factors <= known_factors: config.envconfigs[name] = self.make_envconfig(name, section, reader._subs, config) all_develop = all(name in config.envconfigs and config.envconfigs[name].usedevelop for name in config.envlist) config.skipsdist = reader.getbool("skipsdist", all_develop) def _list_section_factors(self, section): factors = set() if section in self._cfg: for _, value in self._cfg[section].items(): exprs = re.findall(r'^([\w{}\.,-]+)\:\s+', value, re.M) factors.update(*mapcat(_split_factor_expr, exprs)) return factors def make_envconfig(self, name, section, subs, config, replace=True): factors = set(name.split('-')) reader = SectionReader(section, self._cfg, fallbacksections=["testenv"], factors=factors) tc = TestenvConfig(name, config, factors, reader) reader.addsubstitutions( envname=name, envbindir=tc.get_envbindir, envsitepackagesdir=tc.get_envsitepackagesdir, envpython=tc.get_envpython, **subs) for env_attr in config._testenv_attr: atype = env_attr.type try: if atype in ("bool", "path", "string", "dict", "dict_setenv", "argv", "argvlist"): meth = getattr(reader, "get" + atype) res = meth(, env_attr.default, replace=replace) elif atype == "space-separated-list": res = reader.getlist(, sep=" ") elif atype == "line-list": res = reader.getlist(, sep="\n") else: raise ValueError("unknown type %r" % (atype,)) if env_attr.postprocess: res = env_attr.postprocess(testenv_config=tc, value=res) except tox.exception.MissingSubstitution as e: tc.missing_subs.append( res = e.FLAG setattr(tc,, res) if atype in ("path", "string"): reader.addsubstitutions(**{ res}) return tc def _getenvdata(self, reader): envstr = self.config.option.env \ or os.environ.get("TOXENV") \ or reader.getstring("envlist", replace=False) \ or [] envlist = _split_env(envstr) # collect section envs all_envs = set(envlist) - set(["ALL"]) for section in self._cfg: if all_envs.add([len(testenvprefix):]) if not all_envs: all_envs.add("python") if not envlist or "ALL" in envlist: envlist = sorted(all_envs) return envlist, all_envs def _split_env(env): """if handed a list, action="append" was used for -e """ if not isinstance(env, list): if '\n' in env: env = ','.join(env.split('\n')) env = [env] return mapcat(_expand_envstr, env) def _split_factor_expr(expr): partial_envs = _expand_envstr(expr) return [set(e.split('-')) for e in partial_envs] def _expand_envstr(envstr): # split by commas not in groups tokens = re.split(r'((?:\{[^}]+\})+)|,', envstr) envlist = [''.join(g).strip() for k, g in itertools.groupby(tokens, key=bool) if k] def expand(env): tokens = re.split(r'\{([^}]+)\}', env) parts = [token.split(',') for token in tokens] return [''.join(variant) for variant in itertools.product(*parts)] return mapcat(expand, envlist) def mapcat(f, seq): return list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(map(f, seq))) class DepConfig: def __init__(self, name, indexserver=None): = name self.indexserver = indexserver def __str__(self): if self.indexserver: if == "default": return return ":%s:%s" % (, return str( __repr__ = __str__ class IndexServerConfig: def __init__(self, name, url=None): = name self.url = url #: Check value matches substitution form #: of referencing value from other section. E.g. {[base]commands} is_section_substitution = re.compile(r"{\[[^{}\s]+\]\S+?}").match class SectionReader: def __init__(self, section_name, cfgparser, fallbacksections=None, factors=(), prefix=None): if prefix is None: self.section_name = section_name else: self.section_name = "%s:%s" % (prefix, section_name) self._cfg = cfgparser self.fallbacksections = fallbacksections or [] self.factors = factors self._subs = {} self._subststack = [] self._setenv = None def get_environ_value(self, name): if self._setenv is None: return os.environ.get(name) return self._setenv.get(name) def addsubstitutions(self, _posargs=None, **kw): self._subs.update(kw) if _posargs: self.posargs = _posargs def getpath(self, name, defaultpath, replace=True): toxinidir = self._subs['toxinidir'] path = self.getstring(name, defaultpath, replace=replace) if path is not None: return toxinidir.join(path, abs=True) def getlist(self, name, sep="\n"): s = self.getstring(name, None) if s is None: return [] return [x.strip() for x in s.split(sep) if x.strip()] def getdict(self, name, default=None, sep="\n", replace=True): value = self.getstring(name, None, replace=replace) return self._getdict(value, default=default, sep=sep, replace=replace) def getdict_setenv(self, name, default=None, sep="\n", replace=True): value = self.getstring(name, None, replace=replace, crossonly=True) definitions = self._getdict(value, default=default, sep=sep, replace=replace) self._setenv = SetenvDict(definitions, reader=self) return self._setenv def _getdict(self, value, default, sep, replace=True): if value is None or not replace: return default or {} d = {} for line in value.split(sep): if line.strip(): name, rest = line.split('=', 1) d[name.strip()] = rest.strip() return d def getbool(self, name, default=None, replace=True): s = self.getstring(name, default, replace=replace) if not s or not replace: s = default if s is None: raise KeyError("no config value [%s] %s found" % ( self.section_name, name)) if not isinstance(s, bool): if s.lower() == "true": s = True elif s.lower() == "false": s = False else: raise tox.exception.ConfigError( "boolean value %r needs to be 'True' or 'False'") return s def getargvlist(self, name, default="", replace=True): s = self.getstring(name, default, replace=False) return _ArgvlistReader.getargvlist(self, s, replace=replace) def getargv(self, name, default="", replace=True): return self.getargvlist(name, default, replace=replace)[0] def getstring(self, name, default=None, replace=True, crossonly=False): x = None for s in [self.section_name] + self.fallbacksections: try: x = self._cfg[s][name] break except KeyError: continue if x is None: x = default else: x = self._apply_factors(x) if replace and x and hasattr(x, 'replace'): x = self._replace(x, name=name, crossonly=crossonly) # print "getstring", self.section_name, name, "returned", repr(x) return x def _apply_factors(self, s): def factor_line(line): m ='^([\w{}\.,-]+)\:\s+(.+)', line) if not m: return line expr, line = m.groups() if any(fs <= self.factors for fs in _split_factor_expr(expr)): return line lines = s.strip().splitlines() return '\n'.join(filter(None, map(factor_line, lines))) def _replace(self, value, name=None, section_name=None, crossonly=False): if '{' not in value: return value section_name = section_name if section_name else self.section_name self._subststack.append((section_name, name)) try: replaced = Replacer(self, crossonly=crossonly).do_replace(value) assert self._subststack.pop() == (section_name, name) except tox.exception.MissingSubstitution: if not section_name.startswith(testenvprefix): raise tox.exception.ConfigError( "substitution env:%r: unknown or recursive definition in " "section %r." % (value, section_name)) raise return replaced class Replacer: RE_ITEM_REF = re.compile( r''' (?<!\\)[{] (?:(?P<sub_type>[^[:{}]+):)? # optional sub_type for special rules (?P<substitution_value>(?:\[[^,{}]*\])?[^:,{}]*) # substitution key (?::(?P<default_value>[^{}]*))? # default value [}] ''', re.VERBOSE) def __init__(self, reader, crossonly=False): self.reader = reader self.crossonly = crossonly def do_replace(self, value): ''' Recursively expand substitutions starting from the innermost expression ''' def substitute_once(x): return self.RE_ITEM_REF.sub(self._replace_match, x) expanded = substitute_once(value) while expanded != value: # substitution found value = expanded expanded = substitute_once(value) return expanded def _replace_match(self, match): g = match.groupdict() sub_value = g['substitution_value'] if self.crossonly: if sub_value.startswith("["): return self._substitute_from_other_section(sub_value) # in crossonly we return all other hits verbatim start, end = match.span() return match.string[start:end] # special case: all empty values means ":" which is os.pathsep if not any(g.values()): return os.pathsep # special case: opts and packages. Leave {opts} and # {packages} intact, they are replaced manually in # _venv.VirtualEnv.run_install_command. if sub_value in ('opts', 'packages'): return '{%s}' % sub_value try: sub_type = g['sub_type'] except KeyError: raise tox.exception.ConfigError( "Malformed substitution; no substitution type provided") if sub_type == "env": return self._replace_env(match) if sub_type is not None: raise tox.exception.ConfigError( "No support for the %s substitution type" % sub_type) return self._replace_substitution(match) def _replace_env(self, match): envkey ='substitution_value') if not envkey: raise tox.exception.ConfigError('env: requires an environment variable name') default ='default_value') envvalue = self.reader.get_environ_value(envkey) if envvalue is not None: return envvalue if default is not None: return default raise tox.exception.MissingSubstitution(envkey) def _substitute_from_other_section(self, key): if key.startswith("[") and "]" in key: i = key.find("]") section, item = key[1:i], key[i + 1:] cfg = self.reader._cfg if section in cfg and item in cfg[section]: if (section, item) in self.reader._subststack: raise ValueError('%s already in %s' % ( (section, item), self.reader._subststack)) x = str(cfg[section][item]) return self.reader._replace(x, name=item, section_name=section, crossonly=self.crossonly) raise tox.exception.ConfigError( "substitution key %r not found" % key) def _replace_substitution(self, match): sub_key ='substitution_value') val = self.reader._subs.get(sub_key, None) if val is None: val = self._substitute_from_other_section(sub_key) if callable(val): val = val() return str(val) class _ArgvlistReader: @classmethod def getargvlist(cls, reader, value, replace=True): """Parse ``commands`` argvlist multiline string. :param SectionReader reader: reader to be used. :param str value: Content stored by key. :rtype: list[list[str]] :raise :class:`tox.exception.ConfigError`: line-continuation ends nowhere while resolving for specified section """ commands = [] current_command = "" for line in value.splitlines(): line = line.rstrip() if not line: continue if line.endswith("\\"): current_command += " " + line[:-1] continue current_command += line if is_section_substitution(current_command): replaced = reader._replace(current_command, crossonly=True) commands.extend(cls.getargvlist(reader, replaced)) else: commands.append(cls.processcommand(reader, current_command, replace)) current_command = "" else: if current_command: raise tox.exception.ConfigError( "line-continuation ends nowhere while resolving for [%s] %s" % (reader.section_name, "commands")) return commands @classmethod def processcommand(cls, reader, command, replace=True): posargs = getattr(reader, "posargs", "") posargs_string = list2cmdline([x for x in posargs if x]) # Iterate through each word of the command substituting as # appropriate to construct the new command string. This # string is then broken up into exec argv components using # shlex. if replace: newcommand = "" for word in CommandParser(command).words(): if word == "{posargs}" or word == "[]": newcommand += posargs_string continue elif word.startswith("{posargs:") and word.endswith("}"): if posargs: newcommand += posargs_string continue else: word = word[9:-1] new_arg = "" new_word = reader._replace(word) new_word = reader._replace(new_word) new_word = new_word.replace('\\{', '{').replace('\\}', '}') new_arg += new_word newcommand += new_arg else: newcommand = command # Construct shlex object that will not escape any values, # use all values as is in argv. shlexer = shlex.shlex(newcommand, posix=True) shlexer.whitespace_split = True shlexer.escape = '' return list(shlexer) class CommandParser(object): class State(object): def __init__(self): self.word = '' self.depth = 0 self.yield_words = [] def __init__(self, command): self.command = command def words(self): ps = CommandParser.State() def word_has_ended(): return ((cur_char in string.whitespace and ps.word and ps.word[-1] not in string.whitespace) or (cur_char == '{' and ps.depth == 0 and not ps.word.endswith('\\')) or (ps.depth == 0 and ps.word and ps.word[-1] == '}') or (cur_char not in string.whitespace and ps.word and ps.word.strip() == '')) def yield_this_word(): yieldword = ps.word ps.word = '' if yieldword: ps.yield_words.append(yieldword) def yield_if_word_ended(): if word_has_ended(): yield_this_word() def accumulate(): ps.word += cur_char def push_substitution(): ps.depth += 1 def pop_substitution(): ps.depth -= 1 for cur_char in self.command: if cur_char in string.whitespace: if ps.depth == 0: yield_if_word_ended() accumulate() elif cur_char == '{': yield_if_word_ended() accumulate() push_substitution() elif cur_char == '}': accumulate() pop_substitution() else: yield_if_word_ended() accumulate() if ps.word.strip(): yield_this_word() return ps.yield_words def getcontextname(): if any(env in os.environ for env in ['JENKINS_URL', 'HUDSON_URL']): return 'jenkins' return None